Things I’m Thinking About In Healthcare Part 1

Table of Contents Two-Way Advocates Healthcare and CPG ACA Native Businesse Overguarded Patient Info Areas I See Opportunity There are too many middlemen “two-way” advocates in the health system As I started researching more into the health system, I actually became more confused the more I learned. I could not understand how certain companies could act…

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Tech Enabled Leverage

One of my favorite courses in college was a business school class about leadership, and one of the lessons that stuck with me was about negotiations. There are so many tactics and psychological games, everything from anchoring to information asymmetry to calling your parents and ranting when you don’t get your way (maybe that’s just…

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Opportunity At The Edge of Regulation

What are the first things you think about when you hear “government regulations”? In the tech community, most people associate it with “slow”, “inefficient”, or a host of not-so-nice adjectives. And compounded with companies like Uber and Zenefits using the “move fast and break things” approach to regulation, people really just see government(s) as a…

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Why I Drink Meals

It was pretty hard to explain this one to my parents. What did I mean I was drinking dinner? What is “Soylent”? Had I absolutely lost it? I’ve decided to write this post after feeling like a broken record when I explain the reasons to people, especially since it seems to come up more frequently…

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